Manage customer/supplier contracts and subscriptions.
Generate recurring invoices of subscriptions automatically.
Create Contract with subscribed services
Create your contract from your prospect/customer sheet, or just in one click by reusing a proposal or an order.
Include predefined products/services to save your time, or enter the full list of products and services manually.
If predefined fields do not match your needs, add your own custom fields of any type (string, amount, date, checkbox, combo list, ...) to the form.
A PDF of your contract is automatically generated and updated.

Change the status of your services ("Running", "Disabled") and update the end date at any time. Attach notes or files to your contract.
Convert your customer contract into one-time invoices or recurring invoices
You can convert your contract into one or several invoices. If your contract is supposed to track a recurring service, then convert it into a recurring template invoice: Define the frequency, amount, date of the first invoice and/or a maximum number of invoices to generate. Your template invoice will be pre-filled with the data of your contract services, and the invoices will be generated automatically.

A link is maintained between your template invoice and your contract so that any invoices generated will also be linked to the contract.
You can change, at any time, the content of your contract or the content of your template invoice and the way you will bill your customer without having to break this link.
Follow and manage your contracts and services
Check which service is expired or is about to be expired. Renew your contract/service before the end date or close them if required.

Export your Contracts and Services along with their status with the Export module to reuse them with third-party tools, or connect your BI suite directly to the open database for Big Data analysis.